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Road trip

Road Trip

A high-quality road trip requires a high-quality travel plan. We make professional and meticulous road trip plans. We believe that a high-quality travel plan can make your road trip journey more perfect. Our travel plan is detailed and thoughtful, and road trip arrangements can be customized according to customer needs, from formulating different travel preparation plans according to different travel modes, to travel routes, travel strategies, cost estimates, etc.. The entire journey needs will be fully considered and thoughtful, We will use the most professional arrangement to bring the most perfect experience for your journey.

We have planned many road trips. There are our footprints near Guangdong Province, and as far as Kunming, Yunnan.

Road trip arrangement

首次雲南 Off road

9月4-11日出發 Let’s Go !
MX CLUB Coaching 與昆明張敏騎士學院聯手舉辦

張敏:中國還塔越野拉力賽冠軍車手 /目前是中國KTM越野電單車品牌代言車手

  • 內容有學習塲地基本功駕駛Motocross / ADV adventure 林道試駕課程
  • 大理 / 昆明自駕遊吃喝玩樂遊山玩水全部一次過玩哂!

享受《8 day》Kumming Amazing Hoilday ! 大家可以租用 KTM 或者 Husqvarna 全新型號越野車,活動在8月28號前截止報名!

有興趣的朋友可以聯絡 Angus LAI 97118003 查詢行程安排!